Village of Buffalo Grove
Over 400 Corten Steel Light Poles Installed
About The Village of Buffalo Grove
The Village of Buffalo Grove had major plans to widen Lake Cook Road through the Village. Lighting Solutions of Illinois, a Will Group Company worked with Civil Tech and the Village of Buffalo Grove to provide special Corten Steel Poles that would stand the test of time. Corten Steel (weathering steel) is unique product that over time creates a protective self-patina that increases the life of the pole.
The Challenge Faced
The Lake Cook Corridor expands over 472 acres (0.74 square miles) and represents a gateway into the Village. With more than 40,000 vehicles traveling on Lake Cook Road per day, this is one of the most utilized roads in the region. The Corridor has over one million square feet of commercial space, as well as residential developments, the Village campus, and a municipal golf course. With this degree of traffic both day and night, high performance streetlighting is a necessity.
The Project Will Provide
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Why The Village of Buffalo Grove Chose The Will Group
Lighting Solutions of Illinois, a Will Group Company has worked with The Village of Buffalo Grove’s public works department for over twenty years to help upgrade residential and roadway lighting systems because of our responsiveness and expertise. The Village trusts LSI to provide state of the art technology as well as the best solution for every application.
The Results
Lighting Solutions of Illinois, a Will Group Company worked with Civil Tech and the Village of Buffalo Grove to provide a special Corten weathering steel pole that requires no maintenance, and outlasts traditional light poles.