State Funded Streetscape
IDOT Contract 61G30 - Howard St., Sacramento to Cellan Ave.
In March 2020, the State of Illinois funded a project within the City of Evanston on Howard St., bordering the City of Chicago. This unique project was located in the City of Evanston, yet included primarily City of Chicago specification material. This project required extensive of teamwork between the contractor, the state, the design consultant, the City of Evanston, the City of Chicago and Lighting Solutions of Illinois, A Will Group Company. Solid working relationships with all parties were key to a successful result.
Working With The Illinois Department of Transportation
IDOT is a long-time partner of The Will Group and overseer of many projects. Lighting Solutions of Illinois, a Will Group Company takes great pride in our work with IDOT’s district offices, along with its Springfield headquarters. Quite often state contracts involve local municipalities, and The Will Group provides the needed collaboration and coordination between agencies to assure optimal results for all parties.
The Challenge Faced
Satisfying the desires of multiple agencies presents challenges. Well established lines of communication with all parties involved provided open dialogue and collaboration.
Why IDOT Chose to work with The Will Group
IDOT’s public contracts are very competitive, and the primary partnership must be with the Contractor performing the work. Lighting Solutions of Illinois, a Will Group Company is fortunate to have partnered with the awarded Electrical Contractor on this project in much of their work in the Chicagoland area. Contractors understand that The Will Group has worked with IDOT for over 30 years on state projects, and that we actively contribute to their success on every project.
How The Will Group Responded
The Will Group provided the Electrical Contractor with project management assistance by facilitating communication between the design engineer and the three government agencies involved to assure a successful result.
The Results
This project is on track for completion by the end of the 2021 construction season. The goal of successful coordination and implementation was achieved by The Will Group's Project Management and Customer Service Teams.
The Will Group has worked with IDOT for over 30 years
on state projects, and that we actively contribute to their success on every project.