Village of Lombard
Village of Lombard Downtown Streetlights LED Conversion
Over 2,600 Fixtures Converted
The Village of Lombard is an environmentally progressive municipality with a population of 44,000. Lombard was on the forefront with their LED Streetlighting Upgrade Program and brought in Lighting Solutions of Illinois, A Will Group Company to help them engineer the best choices for their various applications. Converting all of their streetlights to LED provided the Village with more effective lighting, reduced energy consumption, improved reliability and reduced maintenance (no replacement relamping).
The Village of Lombard
Over the years, the Village of Lombard has installed multiple configurations and multiple manufacturers of streetlights throughout the Village depending on the type of area, photometric performance and trending styles. In addition to multiple styles and manufacturers of ornamental lights in the central business district, they have 30’ poles with a combination of roadway luminaires and ornamental pedestrian luminaires on Main Street.
The Challenge Faced
The variety of styles and manufacturers presented an engineering challenge to develop the best solution for each application while providing a cohesive look and excellent photometric performance in all of the various environments. Lighting Solutions of Illinois, A Will Group Company worked with manufacturers GE and Vega to engineer the best solution for each application. For roadway luminaires it was more economical to replace the entire luminaire. For the ornamental luminaires it was more economical to provide custom retrofit kits to convert the existing luminaire housings to LED.
Why Lombard Chose to work with Lighting Solutions of Illinois, A Will Group Company
The Village of Lombard chose Lighting Solutions of Illinois, A Will Group Company based on their history of success in designing LED Streetlight conversions and the availability of leading LED streetlight manufacturers with a wealth of knowledge and experience in meeting challenging expectations.
How Lighting Solutions of Illinois, A Will Group Company Responded
Lighting Solutions of Illinois brought together their own knowledge base with that of leading LED lighting manufacturers GE and Vega to engineer the best solution for each application.
The Results
The Village installed the new luminaires and conversion kits with their own forces over several years as time and budgets allowed. The result is a photometrically superior and reliable lighting system that provides an economical and renewable advantage that the Village and it’s residents can be proud of.
Let Us Help You!
Let us do the same for you! We will partner with you on your needs and priorities and offer you the best solution for each of your various applications. In some cases, it makes sense to provide new luminaires, but in many cases the best solution is to retrofit the existing luminaires with new LED engines to retain the original look and save the cost of purchasing new fixtures. Our team and our manufacturers are experts in our field and we will collaborate with Com Ed to provide the most economical solution in terms of rebates as well. We will provide an Energy Analysis that compares your existing system with the proposed solution and details energy and maintenance savings and return on investment. Contact one of our team and let’s get started on satisfying your needs!