Downtown Naperville
Decorative LED Lighting Retrofit with Smart City IoT Technology
Downtown Naperville is like no other! Just 30 minutes from Chicago, pedestrian friendly, historic downtown Naperville has stores, dining and businesses.
The Challenge Faced
Decorative lighting is all about creating a mood and adding interest to a city scape. The city was looking for a decorative post top LED streetlight retrofit for the downtown area that could accommodate a full-size node with smart city IoT technology. After several months of meeting with city officials regarding the look and functionally of the fixtures, the city selected several different manufacturers to install trial fixtures in the downtown area for evaluation. Lighting Solutions of Illinois, a Will Group Company alongside GE was chosen because they met the aesthetics and functionally that the city desired.
Why Downtown Naperville Chose to work with The Will Group
Lighting Solutions of Illinois, a Will Group Company has a long history of working with City of Naperville on their street lighting standards.
How The Will Group Responded
Lighting Solutions of Illinois, a Will Group Company provided an LED solution that allowed the city to improve the look of the downtown area and to future proof their fixtures with the capability of adding smart nodes for smart city IoT technology at a later date. Because of our team’s expertise and product knowledge, Lighting Solutions of Illinois, a Will Group Company has become a trusted advisor to the city for their street lighting needs.
The Results
There are many reasons why municipalities like Naperville choose to convert to LED lighting. LED lighting has a 2-3 times longer lifespan, with better durability and no lamp replacements. LED lights produce better color performance, improve safety and have greater functionality with reduced energy consumption. Our team is currently providing custom LED decorative post top fixtures for the entire downtown area.